JAPAN VISA FOR going to buddies OR RELATIVES: demands & steps

Last updated: 2020 • 2 • 13

This guide is for applying for a go to VISA. If you’re traveling to Japan as a tourist, we have a separate visa guide for that. Read: Japan Visa demands for Tourists

When my sibling transferred to Japan as an OFW, I discovered one more reason to return to Japan over as well as over again. before that, I had only traveled to Japan as a tourist. however now that I have a close family member living there, I no longer have to concern about the accommodations as well as spend any type of dough on hotels. (Hotels in Japan are expensive!)

However, the files needed for going to a buddy or family member is different from those needed of tourists. many travel companies likewise fee a somewhat higher cost for it since it’s a bit bit much more complicated. however no worries, this visa guide will assist you go with the entire visa application process.

Τι καλύπτεται σε αυτόν τον οδηγό;

JAPAN go to VISA REQUIREMENTSIf going to a close RelativeWithout Guarantor
With Guarantor

If going to a buddy or far-off RelativeWithout Guarantor
With Guarantor

FREQUENTLY ASKED concerns (with Answers)How to renew a Japan visa?
How to apply for a multiple-entry visa?
Do I truly requirement a travel company to apply? Can’t I apply on my own?
Are flight as well as hotel bookings needed to apply?
How long does it take to process the application?
How long is the validity of the visa?
How much money ought to I have in the bank to get approved?

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Below is a listing of the files you requirement to gather for your visa application. note that files that requirement to be printed out (e.g. application form, itinerary) should be done on an A4-size paper.

Philippine passport. should have a signature as well as at least 2 blank pages. damaged passports are not accepted. should have at least 6-month validity.

A appropriately accomplished visa application form. Don’t leave any type of blank. just put N/A if not applicable. You may download it from here.

ID picture. 4.5cm x 4.5 cm. compose your name as well as birthdate on the back side. Paste it on the application form.

Birth certificate from PSA. should be issued within the past one year from PSA primary office or Serbilis outlet center (Nationwide). If the birth certificate is marked LATE REGISTRATION, you should likewise submit Baptismal certificate, institution record (Form 137), as well as institution Yearbook (if applicable). The address of the church or institution should be suggested in the documents.

Marriage certificate from PSA. only if you’re married. If not, disregard this one. should be issued within the past one year from PSA primary office or Serbilis outlet center (Nationwide).

Καθημερινό πρόγραμμα. Your schedule in Japan. It doesn’t have to be complicated. download the style here. Here’s what mine looked like: sample Japan Itinerary

Accomplished listing of Visa Applicants. only if traveling as a group/family. You can download the type here.

Update: extra Form. On 3 February 2020, the Japanese embassy in Manila revealed that visa applicants should response as well as submit an extra questionnaire in accordance to the Japanese government’s decision to impose limitations on travelers who have just recently went to NCOv/COVID-19-affected areas. All applicants should achieve as well as submit this form, in addition to the other requirements. download THE extra type HERE!

The listing above are just the fundamental requirements. however there are extra files needed depending upon your connection to the person you will go to in Japan.

There are two kinds of go to visas. The very first type is for going to a close Relative. The other is for going to a buddy or far-off relative. The demands are different.

If going to a close Relative

Emphasis on CLOSE. This applies to close relatives — parent, child, brother, sister, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle. whatever else falls under the far-off family member category.

Birth certificates to show your relationship. should be issued within the past one year from PSA primary office or Serbilis outlet center (Nationwide).
– Parent-child – BC of both applicant as well as family member in Japan
– siblings – BC of both applicant as well as family member in Japan
– Aunt/Uncle -> Niece/Nephew – BC of applicant + family member in Japan + parent of family member in Japan.
– Niece/Nephew -> Aunt/Uncle – BC of applicant + parent of applicant + family member in Japan.

Invitation letter from person to go to in Japan. should be issued within the past 3 months. This should discuss why you will be going to as well as should have a signature. A design template is offered right here.

Family Registration Certificate(Koseki Tohon). only if family member in Japan has a Japanese spouse or relative. should be issued within three months. disregard if not applicable to you.

Residence certificate (Juminhyo) if your guarantor is Japanese OR foreign Registration Certificate from City Hall if guarantor is not Japanese. should be issued within the past 3 months.

Copy of home Card or special long-term local certificate of family member in Japan. copy of both sides should be submitted.

Without Guarantor

If you will take on part or all of your trip expenses:

Income tax return (ITR type 2316). They requirement a remove photocopy of it.

Bank certificate. Must be issued within the past 3 months. I’m not sure if they need a receipt, however I submitted the receipt too. To be safe, when you get your bank certificate, request a receipt too. There’s no telling exactly how huge a fund is “enough” to get approved, however (in situation you’re wondering) my account had only a bit north of P100,000. I organized on staying for a week. I didn’t encounter any type of problem.

With Guarantor

If your friend/relative in Japan will sponsor your trip:

Guarantee letter. should be issued within the past 3 months.

Income Certificate (Shotoku Shomeisho) from City Hall, Tax return certificate (Nouzeishomeisho: type 2) from tax office (Kakuteishinkokusho Hikae), OR Bank Certificate (Yokin Zandaka Shomeisho). finest if you have all three.

If going to a buddy or far-off Relative

Emphasis on distant. If you have buddies or relatives in Japan, you may work with one of them. Here’s what they requirement to provide you:

Proof of Relationship. A letter from the person to be went to discussing their connection to you plus other files such as pictures, passport copies, etc.

Invitation letter from the person you will visit. This should discuss why you will be going to as well as should have a signature. should be issued within the past 3 months.

Residence certificate (Juminhyo) if your guarantor is Japanese OR foreign Registration Certificate from City Hall if guarantor is not Japanese. should be issued within the past 3 months.

Without Guarantor

If you will take on your trip expenses:

Income tax return (ITR type 2316). They requirement a remove photocopy of it.

Bank certificate. Must be issued within the past 3 months. I’m not sure if they need a receipt, however I submitted the receipt too. To be safe, when you get your bank certificate, request a receipt too. There’s no telling exactly how huge a fund is “enough” to get approved, however (in situation you’re wondering) my account had only a bit north of P100,000. I organized on staying for a week. I didn’t encounter any type of problem.

With Guarantor

If your friend/relative in Japan will sponsor your trip, you may not be needed to show you might pay for the trip. The concern shifts to your buddy or relative.

Guarantee letter. should be issued within the past 3 months.

Income Certificate (Shotoku Shomeisho) from City Hall, Tax return certificate (Nouzeishomeisho: type 2) from tax office (Kakuteishinkokusho Hikae), OR Bank Certificate (Yokin Zandaka Shomeisho). finest if you have all three.

Again, files to be printed out should be done on an A4-size paper. other sizes will not be accepted.

All birth certificates should be issued within the past year by PSA primary office or Serbilis Center.


Complete the requirements.

Submit the files to an certified travel agency. Unless summoned by the Japanese Embassy, you can’t apply directly at the embassy. You should program it though an agency. My go-to company is Reli trips for the only reason that it is the one closest to my home. inspect out the listing of certified companies here.

Pay the processing fee. The actual visa is FREE, however you will requirement to pay the company that will process your application. The expense of processing a go to visa is much higher than a traveler visa. Every company charges a different amount, however it’s typically somewhere around P2000.

Για αυτό πρόκειται. After the company accepts your application, the only thing you can do is wait. It takes 3-5 days, in some cases shorter, in some cases much longer. My many recent application took only 2 days. a few of our visitors had to wait 7 days. You can’t truly tell. just wait on a message from your agency.

When the embassy returns your passport to the agency, you ought to get a message from the company telling you to pick it up or that they’re sending it to you, depending upon your prior plan with them.

If it has a visa attached to it, congratulations! If there is no visa, then your application is denied.

FREQUENTLY ASKED concerns (with Answers)

How to renew a Japan visa?

The process is still the same. The only difference is you don’t requirement to submit a birth certificate as well as marriage certificate. however you will requirement to submit the passport with your old visas.

How to apply for a multiple-entry visa?

We likewise have a devoted publish for that. You’ll discover that here: Multiple-Entry Japan Visa

Do I truly requiremenμια ταξιδιωτική εταιρεία που θα υποβάλει αίτηση; Δεν μπορώ να υποβάλω αίτηση μόνος μου;

Ναι, απαιτείτε ένα ταξιδιωτικό πρακτορείο. Εκτός αν πρόκειται για ειδική περίπτωση, όλες οι αιτήσεις θεώρησης θα πρέπει να περιπλανηθούν με οποιοδήποτε είδος πιστοποιημένων ταξιδιωτικών γραφείων τους.

Ακολουθεί η συνολική λίστα των επίσημα πιστοποιημένων ταξιδιωτικών γραφείων: Ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία της Ιαπωνίας Visa.

Απαιτούνται η πτήση καθώς και οι κρατήσεις ξενοδοχείων για να υποβάλουν αίτηση;

Όχι. Δεν είναι απαίτηση. καθώς και δεν είναι σκόπιμο. Ωστόσο, στη φόρμα αίτησης, θα πρέπει να συνθέσετε τον συγκεκριμένο αριθμό πτήσης καθώς και τη διεύθυνση του ξενοδοχείου που επιθυμείτε να λάβετε.

Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για την επεξεργασία της εφαρμογής;

Ποικίλλει. Η πρώτη μου φορά, 5 εργάσιμες ημέρες. Δεύτερη φορά, 2 ημέρες. Στη συνέχεια, στις τρίτες και τέταρτες φορές, 7 ημέρες καθώς και 2 ημέρες αντίστοιχα.

Καταλαβαίνω ανθρώπους που περίμεναν εβδομάδες για τους. Πολύ δύσκολο να το πω.

Πόσο καιρό είναι η εγκυρότητα της θεώρησης;

Οι θεωρήσεις ταξιδιωτών ενός εισόδου ισχύουν για 90 ημέρες μετά από πρόβλημα, καθώς και θα σας επιτρέψουν να μείνετε για όχι περισσότερο από 15 ημέρες. Έτσι, για παράδειγμα, η θεώρηση σας εκδίδεται την 1η Ιανουαρίου, μπορείτε να πάτε στην Ιαπωνία οποιοδήποτε είδος χρόνου μεταξύ 1 Ιανουαρίου καθώς και στις 31 Μαρτίου, ωστόσο όταν εισάγετε, μπορείτε να μείνετε μόνο για 15 ημέρες.

Οι θεωρήσεις πολλαπλών εισόδων θα σας επιτρέψουν συνήθως να μείνετε για 15 ή 30 ημέρες, ανάλογα με αυτό που σας παρέχεται. Ωστόσο, είναι συνήθως έγκυρη για 3 ή 5 χρόνια. Σημαίνει, μπορείτε να πάτε αρκετές φορές εντός 3 ή 5 ετών, επειδή η ημερομηνία του προβλήματος, ωστόσο κάθε παραμονή δεν πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερη από 15 ή 30 ημέρες.

Πόσα χρήματα θα έπρεπε να έχω στην τράπεζα για να εγκριθεί;

Απαντήσαμε σε αυτό, καθώς και πολύ πιο συχνά ζητήσαμε ανησυχίες εδώ:

Περισσότερες ερωτήσεις της Ιαπωνίας

Αρχείο καταγραφής ενημερώσεων

2020 3 Φεβρουαρίου – Προστέθηκε το νέο ερωτηματολόγιο (που σχετίζεται με την επαρχία Hubei) στον κατάλογο των απαιτήσεων
2020 13 Φεβρουαρίου – Αντικατέστησε το ερωτηματολόγιο NCOV με μια νέα έκδοση που περιλαμβάνει την επαρχία Zhejiang.

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Avoid These 12 typical errors when applying for a JAPAN VISA!

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